Tuesday, June 19, 2007

threes and fours

Lets talk about numbers. Early in this individuation mid-life crisis I had a dream which contained three monsters. More recently I dreamt about fours: four women, four bells, four monks and four fires. The fires were sanctity, purity, washing up and cooking. I emailed a psychiatrist friend and asked about threes and fours and he said, basically, that fours were good. Another friend lent me a book by Robert Johnson, MD which talks about threes and fours. The book is Transformation.

Irritatingly enough, the book had another number: seven. He writes that sections of the process can take 7 weeks, months, years, or a multiple of 7. I thought, well, thank goodness it's taken seven years instead of 21. Then I remembered that I did one year in counseling, how long ago? Well, exactly 21 years.

I'm going to post both poems.

Red Paw

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